Volunteer Opportunities

Leadership students will be exposed to several opportunities to engage in community service throughout the school year. Some opportunities may be group based while others may be individual opportunities. It is our plan to organize soup/sandwich nights in the community, volunteer opportunities at the Mission Food Bank, Adopt a Block clean ups (both official and unofficial) to name just a few. If you know of any other opportunities please share those with Ms. Brown or Mr. Schneider.

2018/19 Opportunities

1.  Neuro Emotional Literacy Program

  • Child Minding - Every other week from 2:45 pm until 5:00 pm.  Helping with a child supervision program under the direction of an adult supervisor.  Dinner is provided.  Credit for hours toward your graduation requirement.  Hand-back forms to Ms. Brown ASAP
2.  Post-Secondary Information Night - September 19th from 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm.  Please see Ms. Brown or Ms. Gill in the Counselling Centre  (COMPLETED - Thank-you to those who volunteered)

3.  Haunted Attraction 
  • Volenteers are needed various dates in October.  A minimum of 3 consecutive nights is appreciated.  Hand-back forms to Ms. Brown ASAP (COMPLETED - Thank-you to those who volunteered)

4. BC Skating Competition

     Mission Skating Club will be hosting a BC Skating Competition at the Mission Leisure Center near the end of November. We are reaching out to all middle schools and the high school in our community that run a leadership program. 

We know that students have a required amount of hours they need each term and thought this could be a great opportunity for students to see a large scale event right here in their hometown of Mission!

This event is 3 days long and pretty much runs from 7 am - 8 pm for all 3 days. As you can imagine a large scale event that will bring over 800 skaters from all over BC needs the support of many volunteers.

We were hoping that you could share this with your students and administrators to see if there would be any interest of volunteering. Our volunteer coordinator Carlene (email above) will have a sign up sheet of what help is required/needed from the students. We do prefer 4 hour shifts, but will try to accommodate all requests. 

 Please forward any inquires or questions to Carlene @ volunteermissionskatingclub@gmail.com
 (COMPLETED - Thank-you to those who volunteered)

5. Chartwell and Carrington  Residences (see below)
  • If you are interested in volunteering please contact Brittany Siemens, the Lifestyle & Program Manager at bsiemens@chartwell.com. Many volunteer positions available including Bingo, Special Events & Many more!

6. Mission Fire and Rescue - Haunted House

See below for event information
 (COMPLETED - Thank-you to those who volunteered)

7. Scorekeeping

Athletics is always looking for students who are able to commit to scorekeeping for basketball and volleyball games during their seasons.
Please see Mr. Drouillard for more info if you are able to help out with this.